The It’s Possible Campaign is based on collective action and it aims to reach individuals, especially men and change their outlook and behavioural attitude towards gender by working around the themes of Language, Honour, Freedom of choice, Division of labour at home and Parenting.
For the campaign to be locally rooted and contextualized each of the states have a State Steering Committee (SSC) constituted to lead the campaign. Since the launch of the Campaign in Jharkhand, the state team has been screening and contacting prospective SSC members. The formation of the SSC concluded on 06th July at PHIA’s State Office, whereby representatives from civil society, media, academia and individuals were in attendance. The SSC discussed the plan of action for the campaign and engaged in detailed discussion on how to make this campaign as efficient as possible. The heterogeneous mix of the State Steering Committee brought energy and innovation in the campaign, making it engaging and reflective. The Committee seeks to give a platform to the often neglected third gender as well. The rationale behind this is that when the campaign has taken up the initiative to break the very base on which the gender biases are built on, then it is crucial to break taboosnot only around the binary of male and female, but also the third gender i.e., the transgender. This is also reflective in the composition of the SSC. PHIA will hold a meeting in the first week of Augustwith representatives from seven districts of the Shubhkamna Foundation to develop a framework to make this campaign trans-inclusive.
The members have pledged to meet monthly until the campaign takes its due course. The Committee also plans to get Campaign Ambassadors on board as soon as possible, to add more appeal to the campaign. The SSC will meet for another round of deliberation on the 17th of August, by then the committee will draw up an orientation plan for the change makers so that the ‘It’s Possible’ Campaign can dive into the public diaspora with full force