As part of “Promoting Responsible Migration in Garment Supply Chain’, Change Alliance organised two days training and awareness programmes for Phia Foundation Team, Migrant factory workers and Management Team of Orient Craft and Arvind Mills in Ranchi, Jharkhand. The project is being supported by the British High Commission and Marks and Spencer to promote Responsible Migration processes and make the service providers accountable to the workers engaged in the value chain in the garment sector.
In two days (23- 24 September) capacity building programme, Dr. Archana Shukla, Change Alliance built the capacities of Phia team on interstate migrant Act, its provisions, bonded labour, child labour, gender equality and prevention of sexual harassment at workplace through sharing of the information and having participatory discussions and learning.
Nukkad Natak team was assisted with the content and issues to highlight the issues of safe migration during the performance for factory workers. Various IEC material shared by CAPL were used to make workers aware of their rights, legal provision with special reference to the Interstate Migrant Act to ensure safe migration.
Later, Nukkad Natak activity was organized for the workers in two factories- Orient Craft Limited and Arvind Mills on 23 and 24 September for hands-on experience (in Ranchi, Jharkhand) with the objective of imparting awareness on Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act 2013, social schemes, Inter-State migration act, anti-human trafficking, bonded and forced labor, and other rights and entitlements, as required.
Under ‘Promoting Responsible Migration in Garment Supply Chain’ Project Supported by the British High Commission and Marks and Spenser the training sessions and awareness-building activity was divided into two sessions:
- Training and awareness building for Factory Workers
- Training and awareness building for Senior management units
Phia Foundation used formal discussion, presentation and engaged local Street Play team for general awareness on the issues pertaining to distress migration, human trafficking and issues inside the factories, POSH, Safeguard policies and remedial process.
The components that were covered during the training programme:
Awareness on labour provisions and policies: Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments of all workers, including migrant workers, particularly women migrants, and those in precarious employment. Also ensuring Registration of Migrant Workers and maintenance of Passbook for Migrant Workers with their photographs, their Domicile Address Employers Details, Holidays, Allowances, wage details are maintained. Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies.
Strengthening of Policy for Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act and Works Committee
- Setting up Internal committees
- Understanding the structure of the POSH Committee
- Committee Members Roles and Responsibilities
- Committee Members Selection Processes, etc.
Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination practices within the factory is promoted and supported.
Child Labour or Bonded and Forced Labour: Issues related to forced labour were also touched upon to respect the dignity of the factory staff at all levels.
Other facilities of the Garment Sector were also discussed to ensure that each worker is safe from all forms of exploitation, discrimination and earns its livelihood with dignity and self-respect:
- To ensure regular payment of wages to such workmen;
- To ensure equal pay for equal work irrespective of sex;
- To ensure suitable conditions of work to such workmen having regard to the fact that they are required to work in a State different from their own State;
- To provide and maintain suitable residential accommodation to such workmen during the period of their employment;
- Ensure basic and decent amenities at work space.