Strengthening WASH, Climate Resilience, and Nutrition interventions in Schools and WASH interventions in AWCs and CCIs
Purnea and Sitamarhi – Bihar
The proposed intervention will largely cover the same implementation model as in the previous phases but with an approach of climate change adaptation. Climate change adaptation approaches would cover processes of optimal water usage and promote zero wastage, functional rainwater harvesting systems to reduce climate change vulnerability, developing climate resilient Swachhta Action plans, setting up of natural composting, promoting nutrition gardens, sensitization, and awareness on “Poshan Vatika Campaign” and Setting up of Nursery pg. 6 on Weekly Iron Folic Supplement program will be promoted to enhance the knowledge of food nutrients and increased uptake of nutritious food at home as well. With the support of UNICEF, PHIA will provide technical assistance to Bihar Education Project Council (BEPC) and Integrated Child Development Scheme to improve water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and Climate -resilient planning, delivery, sustainability, and monitoring mechanisms, along with strengthening health and nutrition education and practices in schools and Anganwadi. Capacity building of child cabinet and nodal teachers on Health, Hygiene, and nutrition would be undertaken with the development of climate change ambassadors. The program would also reach out to childcare institutions to assess the WASH status and make targeted CCI WASH complaints. PHIA would engage the team to work directly with selected schools and Anganwadi and facilitate them to evolve as replicable model schools and Anganwadi in the WASH context.
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