Bridging The Gap
Phia Foundation works for an end to discrimination against poor and excluded communities, supporting them to demand justice and hold institutions accountable, and ensuring they are protected from human rights violations. Phia Foundation wants to see women and men have their say in decisions that affect their lives and supports them to access their rights to education, clean water and sanitation.
For these people, exclusion from society is not a choice but something that is forced upon them by prevailing social norms and values and means they can’t participate equally in development. Within these groups, women and children are the worst affected. The Indian constitution and Indian law provides many services and opportunities for people across the country.
But these services often do not reach those who are most marginalised and deprived. Phia Foundation will work with local organisations and other groups to help people understand and claim their entitlements – whether that’s free education, employment or healthcare. In modern India, where everyone should be entitled to an education, healthcare, clean water, access to sanitation and other basic services, this situation is no longer acceptable.
Empowering Communities
We want an end to discriminatory practices against poor and excluded communities, and evidence that they can access justice and are protected from discrimination and human rights violations. Our work will also focus on issues such as ending manual scavenging and ensuring women and girls are protected from violence. We believe people in local communities across India should be able to speak for themselves and be heard by those who make decisions. We will work with people to help them to find their voices and make sure their families have the same opportunities as everyone else.
Campaigning and Advocacy
Empowered to Become Leaders
‘We want them to not only overcome their trauma but regain their confidence and self-esteem,’ says Sakhi Kendra’s Pushpati Wari.
‘We will stand with the victim or survivor until they get justice.’
‘We want them to be empowered and to become leaders.’
Sakhi Kendra also works at community level through street plays, training, seminars and exhibitions and campaigns at local, state and national government levels for better protection and access to justice for women. ‘After getting themselves organised they can get their rights from the government – get what they are entitled to. To avail and ensure their human rights – it’s all about that,’ adds Subhashini, a Sakhi Kendra team member