About Us
Partnering Hope Into Action Foundation (PHIA) is a Charitable Trust registered in India in 2005. PHIA has a vision for a society free from poverty, exclusion and discrimination where all people live with justice, peace and dignity. PHIA works for the eradication of poverty among the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized communities in India and empowers them to be in charge of their own development.
It works on the themes of – Access to Essential Services, Reducing Inequality and Bridging Gender Gap, Ensuring Sustainable Livelihoods and Humanitarian Response and Mitigating Climate Change responding to the calling of the Sustainable development Goals (SDGs). Gender equality crosscuts all of PHIA’s work.
PHIA’s interventions and programs are focused in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Delhi NCR. It works on both short term and long term development interventions and humanitarian responses. For the interventions on the ground PHIA works in partnership with civil society and community-based organizations (CBOs). While there are few interventions which PHIA directly implements, it prioritizes working in collaboration and partnerships with other civil society organisations who are locally rooted.
The organization follows a rights-based approach for inclusive and sustainable development. Evidence-based advocacy to improve policy implementation is integral to its aproach and working with the state to ensure access to social security measures, rights, entitlements and services has been a hallmark of its work.
The organisation works in partnership with a range of stakeholders that include Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), the private sector, multilateral and bilateral development agencies, philanthropy institutions, and the Government institutions to bring capabilities and capacities together to find scalable solutions to address poverty, and promote social justice, equity, and dignity.
PHIA has an experienced governing board and a passionate and diverse leadership team spread across its states of intervention. PHIA’s team continues to be driven by the vision of transforming hope into action for the poor, vulnerable and marginalized.
Governance & Accountability
Partnering Hope into Action (PHIA) Foundation was registered in Delhi in 2005 as a Public Charitable Trust. It complies with the Red Cross Code of Conduct and adheres to the Sphere Project’s Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards for Accountability and Quality Management in emergency work.
PHIA board review the progress of various activities and programmes implemented on the ground, approval of the programme and financial statement of accounts. It also oversees the compliance of the organisation as per the law.

Dr. Belinda Bennet,
Managing Trustee of PHIA Foundation
Message from our Managing Trustee
In the first two years of this decade the world witnessed first of its kind global pandemic in the 21st century. The trepidations caused by the repeated surge of COVID-19 enormously impacted everyone and also it exposed the deep inequality that exists in our society. It left an enormous burden on the poorer nations and communities. It is in the depth of the misery, the country also witnessed the power of hope and resilience led by the people. Individuals, communities and voluntary networks came together to save lives and help the vulnerable. Government proactively collaborated with organizations and networks to minimize the aftermath of the crisis. The humanness of people from every walk of life reaching out to one another is something to cherish. PHIA’s work during the year is a reflection of this story. PHIA team worked tirelessly to respond to the humanitarian crisis. From supporting homeless and migrant workers with humanitarian aid to setting up of ‘Community Care Centres’ for returning migrants and rural communities to combat the surge in cases of COVID 19, PHIA’s projects were all designed and implemented to ensure the aid and support reached the unreached.
PHIA’s programmes and projects during the year were a combination of responding to the immediate needs and distress of the communities as well as building their resilience for the future. PHIA worked closely with the state governments to ensure that civil society action amplifies state action to benefit communities, especially the hard to reach and difficult to connect areas. Capacitating institutions of the state and local self-governance, promoting community leadership and facilitating community led action for mitigating climate change remained a continued focus for the PHIA team. Development interventions aimed at enhancing the social security access, strengthening the livelihood resource base and building resilience towards climate vagaries. Developing ‘climate smart villages’, ‘climate smart institutions’ and ‘climate resilient communities’ are the ways PHIA is moving towards at scale in the states it works in. On behalf of the PHIA team my heartfelt gratitude to all our supporters and well-wishers for their unfailing commitment, for every moment of solidarity and for every act of kindness. None of the above been possible without the trust and faith bestowed upon us by our donors, partners, and communities we work for and with. We look forward to journeying together in this mission building ‘Hope’ for the communities we serve.
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